Education and Teaching
I am a fellows of the higher Education Authority and have developed and delivered a range of taught courses and training.
COM4521: Parallel Computing with GPUs
I developed and delivered COM4521 “Parallel Computing with GPUs” which is now taught by one of my former students Robert Chisholm. An on demand version of this course with recorded mini lectures is available below.
I have delivered a range of short courses on GPU computing, mainly on the fundamentals of data parallelism through introducing the CUDA programming language. If you are interested in short course training delivery then please contact me.
InstanceHub and Cloud Training Provision
Delivery of GPU training is problematic as it requires access to GPu hardware. It is usually unwise to rely on provision of local resources (e.g. Tier 3 HPC systems) which usually require computing accounts to be configured in advance and are the subject of their own training courses. Cloud computing offers a pragmatic solution but comes with risks as users must enter payment information. I developed InstanceHub as a training platform to facilitate a trainer to manage and delegate access to GPU on-demand instances (or any other cloud computing resources) via a trainers AWS account. It has tight controls around billing and instances use e.g. maximum runtime limits per user and offers a one click solution for participants in a training course to gain access to specialist instances. It supports notebooks and other customisations to provide a professional training environment backed by dedicated compute resources. The site has been used to deliver training all over the world. Trainer accounts are only available by request.