GPU Computing

Escalating demand for High Performance Computing (HPC) is driven by the need to solve complex simulations on increasingly large scales that cannot be approached using other methods. Modelling and simulation of complex problems has become an established ‘third pillar’ of science, complementary to theory and experimentation. HPC is reliant on advances in hardware and software. Driven by the rise of AI and increasing energy costs, the use of many core architectures (including accelerators and GPUs) has moved from emerging to dominant with respect to HPC. Almost all of the world’s top supercomputing facilities (in the Top 500) now incorporate many core architectures with increasing levels of parallelism. As a leading in the development of software to exploit GPU architectures.

I am committed to applying this technology to new areas of scientific study through both the application of the FLAME GPU software but also more generally through collaborative projects where GPU computing can be directly applied. I have developed industrial partnerships which have funded research into the use of GPUs for transportation simulation and have attracted research funding in fields as diverse as Computational Neuroscience and Oncology to deliver software approaches to utilising accelerated computing in research. As part of this research area I have developed a talented pool of GPU experts through PhD supervision who are employed within the RSE team at Sheffield.

Industrial Consultancy

I frequently provide industrial consultancy and or participation in collaborative industrial research projects. The options for working with me range from short periods of consultancy, through to industrially funded collaborative research projects and sponsoring of PhD student. Contact me if you would like more information on working with me.


“Paul’s professional and positive attitude towards engaging with our industry problems, and his clear communication style were immediately helpful to me. As a direct result of Paul’s knowledgeable technical expertise, and his patient clear explanations, we were able to target our development work towards areas that had the greatest improvement potential for our customers.” Dr David Worthington Head of Department, Risk and Reliability Mathematical Modelling DVN.GL

“Dr. Richmond has a long track record of working with NVIDIA. He established The University of Sheffield’s GPU Research Center (formerly CUDA Research Center) in 2011 through his innovative work in accelerating complex systems simulations via his FLAME GPU software. He has since established the GPUComputing@Sheffield group, through which he provides extremely sought after, and highly regarded training and support, for GPU and accelerated computing users. He has presented at our annual conference, The GPU Technology Conference, for the past three consecutive years and is a member of our NDA briefing sessions and GPU Research Center events.” Dr David Luebke NVIDIA Distinguished Inventor & Sr. Director of Research NVIDIA Corporation

“Through my involvement with Dr Richmond in the role of Chief Technical Officer at the TSC (and via previous interactions with Dr Richmond as a Technology Fellow at BAE Systems Advanced Technology Centre) I know him to have an exceptional technical knowledge and communicative ability in accelerated computing and visualisation using GPUs. The TSC has commissioned him to provide a public technology demonstration to showcase his talent which was featured prominently at the launch of our multi-million pound Imovation centre. We are currently working with Dr Richmond and his summer student on the development of an updated version of this demonstration which utilises virtual reality (VR) displays and our 3D Omnifinity multi direction treadmill. We expect the demonstration to gain significant industrial impact and will work with Dr Richmond on expanding this capability in the future” Paul Zanelli Chief Technical Officer Transport Systems Catapult