Dr Paul Richmond

Dr Paul Richmond

Research Software Engineer

Research Software Consultancy

As part of my RSE Fellowship I provide research software consultancy and training for GPU computing and for complex systems simulation (agent based modelling) using the FLAME software. Research software consultancy will shortly be managed by the centralised Sheffield Research Software Engineering hub however for now please contact me directly.


“Several of our current researchers have attended Dr Richmond’s training in the past and found it to be extremely useful” Professor Daniel Coca (Head of Department, Department of Automatic and Control Systems Engineering)

“The FLAME GPU software is important in my research as it has allowed me to implement a model that has a scale that would have been infeasible to run before and in addition reduced run-times by over 95% when migrating from FLAME CPU on my personal PC. Migration of the model from standard FLAME to FLAME GPU was very simple due to the abstraction of the GPU elements and thanks to the help of Dr Richmond with both debugging and optimization” Dr David Rhodes (Research Associate, Department of Cardiovascular Science)

“Dr Richmond expertise in computer science adds great value to the research developed in my team. The FLAME GPU software is important in my research as it offers; a flexible medium (via multi-agent-based systems) that offers to the users the potential to integrate multiple receptor parameters to allow assessment of flooding impact from a wider socio-economic-environmental perspective; and a means to accelerate runtime of flood modelling via GPU programming.” Dr Geroges Kesserwani (Lecturer in Computational Hydraulics, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering)

“Members of our group have utilized the training provided by Dr Richmond via GPUComputing@Sheffield and have found the content to be both informative and necessary in progressing our understanding of GPU architectures” Dr John Barker (Reader in Speech and Hearing, Department of Computer Science)

“Paul has collaborated with me on a number of occasions providing guidance for transitioning my FLAME models of Epithelial tissue formation to the FLAME GPU architecture. We observed a monumental speedup which reduced simulation times from hours to seconds having a transformative effect on my research. The work was published in Briefings in Bioinformatics a high impact journal with an impact factor of 9.617. Having worked with Paul in the past I can provide testament to his inter disciplinary skills and ability to work within the role of a research software engineer.” Dr Dawn Walker (Senior Lecturer in Computational Biology, INSIGNEO Institute for in silico medicine)

“Paul has demonstrated a clear ability to describe the benefits of GPU computing to myself and my group. As a result of his clear explanations and open discussions we have made a sizable investment in GPU computing (purchasing a rack of 8 Tesla K40 GPUS in partnership with Sheffield Robotics). In a number of research applications Paul has provided technical assistance in grant writing on a number of occasions and with costing hardware purchases. His established relationship with NVIDIA resulted in The University of Sheffield receiving at 15% reduction in the cost of our £30k GPU systems.” Professor Sandor Veres (Professor of Automatic Control Systems, Department of Automatic and Control Systems Engineering)