Dr Paul Richmond

Dr Paul Richmond

Research Software Engineer


In 2012 I founded GPUComputing@Sheffield in order to support GPU computing at the University of Sheffield. Since 2011 the university has been recognised as an NVIDIA GPU research centre (formally NVIDIA CUDA research centre). In 2013 Mike Griffiths of CICS joined as co-investigator to the GPU Research Centre program and together we have delivered a number of training sessions to research staff promoting GPU computing. If you have GPU related technical questions then the GPUComputing@Sheffield discussion group is the place to ask. Likewise if you join the google group and mailing-list you will get priority access to training events and seminars.

If you have specific requests for GPU training or hardware assistance GPUComputing@Sheffield is a great place to start!

If you are a researcher working on GPU computing then join the group and introduce yourself if you have not already.

NVIDIA GPU Research Centre